Dean Riggall, April 2023

Strap in, readers, this is a long one, even by Mr Jepson's usual standards.Part ONEFriday 12th May – 12:46pm: I’ll be honest, Constant Reader, I’ve no bloody idea where to start... so I guess I’ll start there! Edit: Out of necessity I must slightly tweak the structure of this month’s MoTM. I don’t intend to... Continue Reading →

Zoë Wragg, Mar 2023

Blimey o'Reilly – it’s that time once again, Ladies and Gents! Assume the position… Let’s get ready to marvel at the mega miles mashed in the marvellous month of March! Mmmm! Round Up Starting with the first weekend, four members of GRC made an early morning journey to a chilly Scunthorpe to take part in... Continue Reading →

Joaquim ‘Flash’ Jeronimo, Feb 2023

Same message as last month re: tardiness, life has a funny way of galloping away from you, right? So, same apologies. February saw Grantham Running Club celebrate the wonderful exploits of all the club throughout 2022. A glitzy evening with a fabulous special guest; Dai Greene. February is also the month of love. Be it... Continue Reading →

Rachel Hamilton, Jan 2023

January can be a dark, dank and miserable month if you let it, but we won’t let it will we? Runners across the country knuckle down for the post Festive Season, marathon blocks begin in earnest and the mad ones pull one spikes and trails shoes as the Cross-Country season is in full throttle. So,... Continue Reading →

Peter Bonner, Dec 2022

December was full of festive frivolities and a chance to celebrate with family & friends the success and victories of the year.But running stops for no man. Thus, let’s have one last look at 2022, with December’s Member of The Month. XC Round Up  First up Sunday 4th December saw several members venture north to... Continue Reading →

Holly Wragg, Nov 2022

XC Round Up The beginning of November sees one of the highlights of the XC calendar; The National Relays held at Berry Hill Park in Mansfield. I’ve previously waxed lyrical about the stirring scene that greets runners. Fast, frantic, muddy good fun. The ladies run in teams of three each covering a testing 3km lap.... Continue Reading →

Rob Howbrook, Oct 2022

As we hurtle toward the autumnal and wintery months with alarming speed, welcome to October’s Member of the Month! Round Up Part One The opening weekend of the month saw a rich buffet of races up and down this glorious Isle to feast upon. In terms of proximity, the closest was a sunny West Pinchbeck... Continue Reading →

Andrew MacAllister, Sept 2022

Round Up One of the largest half marathons in the world, the Great North Run is one of the jewels in the sporting calendar. With last minute doubts overcome – Indeed, question marks hung over all events that weekend following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Fourteen members of Grantham Running Club joined some 60,000... Continue Reading →

Hannah Whittaker, Aug 2022

Salutations once again my dear ol’ things! As the summer wore on, the hectic schedule of athletics reached its zenith at the European Championships. Once again GRC’s own performances mirrored the endeavours of the rising starlight’s in World Athletics. Round Up Starting us off this month, The Dovedale Dipper. A testing trail event for runners... Continue Reading →

Stefan Latter, Jul 22

As the sporting world set to gorge itself on an unprecedented run (geddit?!) of Athletics starting with the World Athletics Championships in Eugene, Oregon then the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham - The Green and Black army were up to the usual running endeavours! Perhaps key to note; was the backdrop of the searing summer heat,... Continue Reading →

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