Training & Coaching

GRC provides a variety of runs to meet all needs. Our main runs are as follows:

Quality Work sessions: These sessions, designed by Rob McArdle, comprise three sessions across the week, normally split into six week blocks (or mesocycles) which change as the athletes are stressed then adapt. The blocks build through the season towards the A races, and include a longer Thursday run and a Sunday run. Contact Rob by email with any queries.

Speedwork: These sessions are suitable for all abilities of runner, concentrating on building speed through including intervals of higher intensity during running sessions. Ideal for people aiming to increase their speed to achieve a race time. These are held on a Tuesday evening at 6pm at varying locations to mix things up.

Social Runs: These runs are about running with like-minded people for enjoyment and fitness, led by a qualified Run Leader or Coach. Groups cater for different paces (those running at 9-10 minute mile pace, 10-11 minute mile pace and 11+ minute mile pace) and distances of either 5 or 10 kilometres. We meet at Grantham Tennis Club on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening. Full details and timings are available through RunTogether. Got any questions? Get in touch with us!

GRC uses RunTogether to book runners onto our sessions, and many of our Coaches and Run Leaders provide their contact details in case you would like to discuss a session or your needs. For full details of runs, including location and to book your place, please see:

GAC track sessions: Members may undertake self-guided activities at the athletics track at the Meres Stadium on Wednesdays, run by Grantham Athletic Club. This is not a GRC run but there are GAC endurance coaches present. Members run at their own risk and agree to adhere to GAC’s terms and conditions by participating. Sessions are from 6:30 – 7:30pm. To book a session, you must email Jackie Bainbridge, the GAC Secretary and send a completed Reciprocal Rights Training Application (RRTA) form, which can be downloaded here.

Meet the Coaches

GRC’s Coaches have achieved the UKA’s Coach in Running Fitness (CIRF) certification, are regularly DBS-checked and have to pass safeguarding and (from their next license renewal) a first aid course. CIRFs are insured to provide personal coaching to runners. Many of our Coaches have also achieved additional qualifications and training.

Coaches can advise and support members on how best to meet your running goals, whatever level you’re currently at. Whether you want to run longer or faster or avoid injury or improve your running form or your underlying fitness, our coaches are well placed to help you achieve your aims. You can see their specialisms in the profiles below, which will help you decide who might match with your aspirations.

You can email our Coaches at Let them know what you’d like to achieve with your running and they will be in touch to start a conversation. If you know which Coach you’re interested in working with, please let them know, or email them direct if their email is under their profile!

Robert McArdle

Qualifications: Event Group Coach for Endurance, Coach in Running Fitness at the Performance Level, Coach in Running Fitness Physical Preparation at the Development Level, Leader in Running Fitness at the Development Level. Anti-Doping Awareness Course.
UKA Workshops Attended: Strength and Conditioning, Sports Psychology, Plyometrics, Planning and Periodisation, Endurance, Sports Nutrition, Masterclass for Marathon: Performance Driven Coaches
Current Studies: National Coach Development Programme, On Focus Group for the new Advanced Coach Programme
Other Qualifications: UKA Race Adjudicator, Run Britain Race Director, Track Judge, Off Track Endurance Official, Track and Field Facility Management Course, First Aid Essentials in Sport and Active Leisure, Tier 2 Safeguarding, First Aid (Cat A)

Contact Rob by email.

Sarah High

Qualifications: Coach in Running Fitness
UKA Workshops Attended: Movement Skills 1-2 and Physical Prep Workshops, Anti Doping Awareness, and Event Group Endurance online courses

Penny Hodges

Penny Hodges

Qualifications: Coach in Running Fitness
UKA Workshops Attended: Lincolnshire Athletics Network Endurance & Training Plans, Safeguarding,  Time to Listen
Other Qualifications: Emergency First Aid Course (13/12/2020)

Kate Marshall

Kate Marshall, Thunder Run 24, 2022

Qualifications: Coach in Running Fitness
UKA Workshops Attended: Safeguarding, Adult Welfare, Time 2 Listen, Mental Wellbeing In Sport & Physical Activity

Rick Dobbs

Qualifications: Coach In Running Fitness, Event Group Endurance
UKA Workshops Attended: Safeguarding

Contact Rick by email.

Gordon Geach

Qualifications: Coach in Running Fitness. Health & Safety. Risk Assessment. Traffic Management Operative. Sight Loss Awareness and Guided Running
UKA Workshops Attended: Lincolnshire Athletics Network Endurance & Training Plans, LAA County Officials Secretary (COffSec), UKA Race Director Workshop, Endurance Physiology, CIRF Diary Support and Running Strength, Movement Skills 1 & 2.
Current Studies: Event Group Endurance.
Other Qualifications: UKA Race Adjudicator, Run Britain Race Director, UKA Safeguarding Adults, UKA Preventing Bullying, FA Emergency First Aid (26/09/2021), FA Welfare Officers Workshop.

Run Leaders

Our Coaches are supported by Run Leaders. GRC’s Run Leaders have achieved the UKA’s Leader in Running Fitness (LIRF) certification. To be a LIRF, a member is also required to undertake a DBS check and pass a safeguarding course. All LIRFs are insured to lead running sessions however they are not qualified to offer individual coaching plans and you should approach a qualified Coach for such advice.

Currently active Run Leaders include: Robin Atter, Martin Carter, Paul Davis, Sam Dodwell, Sam Jepson, Russell Maksymiw, Fraser Marshall, Tommy Napier, Ros Sadler, Marj Spendlow & Dale Towning.

Check RunTogether for details of available sessions.

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