
Grantham Running Club (GRC) is a road and cross-country running club for adults of all abilities.

Since forming in 2010, we have become a vibrant club of 280 members, with 6 UKA-trained coaches supported by more than 20 UKA-trained run leaders.

We also host the successful Summer Solstice 10km road race at Long Bennington every June.

Our aim for members is that joining not only improves their running times and increases their enjoyment from running but also introduces them to new friends and provides opportunities for social activities.

GRC puts on multiple training sessions and social runs each week, so no matter whether you’re looking to shave a few vital seconds off a race time or just have a regular fitness run with some pals, we’ve probably got the session you need – and if not, please email and ask for it!

Our runs are on Run Together, which is operated by England Athletics and ensures run leaders and coaches are qualified and insured.

Many of our runners compete in road, track and cross country events around the region and country, and our race reports regularly feature in the Grantham Journal (as well as on this website).

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