February 2024 – Joaquim Jeronimo

February saw Grantham Running Club celebrate the achievements of all the club members throughout 2023 and it also saw the end of the cross-country season. GRC was represented by 42 runners in 5 races with 3 of them being road races and the other 2 cross country fixtures. Nominees We start with our first nominee;... Continue Reading →

January 2024 – Carlene Veasey

The opening month of the year is traditionally something of a quieter month for racing but a return to the GP calendar for the Oundle 10k saw an influx of member putting on their race shoes for an early chance of starting the new year with a pb. January saw GRC represented by 37 members... Continue Reading →

December 23 – Russel Whittaker

Traditionally a quieter month, December bookends the year as we perhaps wind down and switch focus to celebrating with loved ones. The grind never stops though as some tick along quite nicely or target the early weeks to peak, so let’s set to it esteemed members of the Green and Black Army! December saw GRC... Continue Reading →

November notables: The inaugural Mallard Cake Dash (it’s amazing what folk will do for cake…) saw a 5k and 10k option around Westwood Lakes and Jenny’s Wood Wyberton, near Boston. Winning the women’s race overall was Holly Durham in a fantastic time of 21:02 – a time that would see her tie for the second... Continue Reading →

Piers Pye-Watson – October 2023

Runner Up I distinctly remember having a conversation with this athlete in early March at the Holme Pierrepont Notts 10-mile race in which she stated then the ‘dream’ would be a sub-2-hour half…The Heckington 10 miler prehaps starting to give thoughts that the ‘dream’ could be achieved. Well, dear Friends - Dreams do come true…... Continue Reading →

Kate Marshall September 2023

Batten down the hatches as we summarise superb September… Belvoir Castle Half You fine Green & Black kin of Grantham Running Club kick us off at Belvoir Castle (foreshadowing a glut of activity here) for the inaugural running of the half marathon and 10K. The race route was changed at the last minute to remain... Continue Reading →

Robin Atter August 2023

Runner Up First on the pedestal is an enigma within our club – on form he is known for his speed and never far away from the top of the tree. Conversely, he also dances on the edge of a volcano and is never far away from the doctors waiting room…August he was on fireyaaaaah!... Continue Reading →

Nick Payne July 2023

The winner of this month's member of the month earned the title in what can be described as a monumental, gargantuan, Herculean five-week effort racked with immense physical endurance, a strength of guts, soul and undeniably extreme mental fortitude reserved for a small but very special breed of ‘ultra’ Ultra-runners...running the entire length of Great... Continue Reading →

Nicci Whittaker June 2023

Showing absolutely no sign of slowing down on her meteoric rise and vast improvement was the winner of June’s Member of The Month. A relative late comer to the sport, but of no great surprise that she’d take to running eventually given the family atmosphere that must be deeply influential to her. Back to Rutland... Continue Reading →

Russel Whittaker May 2023

In what seems to be a lifetime since we last praised and trumpeted the exploits of you crazy cats in green and black, let’s sit down together and meander through what was Marvellous May! The month in review Peter Jennings and second claim member Kirsty Dickens took to Milton Keynes on Bank Holiday Monday to... Continue Reading →

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