Beginners’ Programmes

GRC offers two programmes aimed to assist new and developing runners and are open to non-members. The Beginners scheme normally runs from March and is open for registration in January.

All sessions are designed by UK Athletics-qualified coaches and supported by UKA-approved run leaders plus volunteers from the club, so participants are well supported on their running journey.

Beginning to Run

Beginning to Run is a friendly and supportive programme aimed at people who are new to running. The programme is based at Grantham Tennis Club and takes place over 2 evening sessions a week (Mondays and Thursdays) for 12 weeks, and aims to get participants running continuously for 30 minutes. 

The programme costs £15 and all finishers get a custom Beginners T-shirt and a celebratory buffet.

Sessions are split into different pace groups so that people can run with people at a similar level. Pace is set by participants; our goal is to let people set their own targets and help them to achieve them, no matter their level of experience.

You will need clothing and footwear suitable for exercise, although this does not have to be expensive kit. We also ask that you commit to running 3 times per week (two organised sessions with the group plus one in your own time) in order to progress through the programme.

Beginners sessions are split into three phases:

Warm up – We always start with a gentle dynamic warm up with drills to raise heart rates and get muscles ready for the main session.

Main session – Main sessions comprise intervals of running and walking in the streets near Grantham Tennis Club. Over the weeks, the walking becomes less and less until participants are running for a full 30 minutes.

Cool down – A series of stretching exercises help participants cool down gradually, helping to prevent participants feeling the after effects of their run and reduce the chances of injury.

If you need more information please email us.

Develop Your Running

A ten week programme, Develop Your Running takes runners from 5 km runs and gradually extends the distance until participants can run 10 km without stopping.

The programme is ideal for graduates of Beginning to Run or Club members looking to increase their distance.

Sessions comprise three phases:

Warm up – Gentle dynamic warm up with drills to prepare for the main session.

Main session – Running in Grantham Town. Distance is gradually extended from 5 km until participants can run 10 km without stopping.

Cool down – Stretching exercises to help participants with after effects.

If you need any help please email us.

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