On the 7th July 7th 2024 four members of Grantham Running Club took on the Rasselbock Run, which consisted of 5.54 km laps around a multi terrain course around Sherwood Pines. The 168 runners set off at 9 am, with the aim of completing as many laps as they could in 6 hours.
The course consisted of woods, hills (lots of them and we know how much we all love a hill), gravel and more woods.
The weather provided just the right temperature but in true British style, there was a mixture of sunshine then heavy consistent rain, but this didn’t dampen the spirts of the runners.
Joni Goodband hadn’t been feeling on top form at the beginning of the week but she managed to complete 4 laps in a time of 3:42:29 covering a distance of 23.16km.
For Kate Thompson it was her first time taking on this event and she completed 5 laps in a total time of 3:55:17 covering a distance of 28:95 km.
Davina Honeywood completed 7 laps but found it difficult after her 5th lap so changed tactics and ran the rest at a slower pace, Davina covered 40.35km in a time of 5:35:01.
Marj Spendlow, who only the week before did a training run covering 26.23 miles went on to complete 8 laps covering a distance of 46:32 km in a time of 5:34:51, improving by two laps over the previous year.
The winner Phillip Johnson who completed 11 laps, covering a distance of 63:69 km in 5.49:39.
All those who took part were provided with sweets, cakes drink during each lap and presented with a bespoke wooden plaque.