Alton Towers 10K & 5K

Stunning autumnal scenery and cool but sunny conditions greeted the members of Grantham Running Club who took part in the RunThrough Alton Towers 10K.

The race kicked off in front of the legendary towers then wound its way Rita and TH13TEEN before looping around Smiler and Oblivion. Runners then headed into CBeebies land where the Teletubbies were lending moral support. Runners then headed out into the more flowing section of the course which included the carpark and inner roads before returning to the park to finish in front of the famous towers again.

The course is notorious for its endless hills and this year was even more congested that 2022. There were also major issues with the organisation of the car parking which meant a delay so many runners missed the start.
Rachel Hamilton continues to post incredible times, making mincemeat of the lumpy course to score a PB of the distance of 45:14.

Robin Atter was a victim of the problems with the parking and didn’t cross the start until around 45 minutes after the start (where he continued walking for 5 minutes having failed to notice that he had crossed the first timing mat). Once he realised he had started and actually began to run, he put the setback behind him and finished in 46:24.

Nicola Ruston-Litchfield enjoyed her run and crossed the line in 47:59. Stuart Baty followed in 50:03, then Richard Ruston-Litchfield in 52:41. Sylv Hull (57:41), Martin Carter (57:10), Nick Thorp in his first race and 2nd ever 10K (1:21:03) and Vicki Geeson (1:21:05) rounded out the contingent.

On the Sunday the 5K took place and the sole GRC representative was Jon Whittaker. The conditions were far less hospitable with heavy rain but the organisational issues of the previous day were thankfully solved. He finished in 35:58.
The rest of the day was spent eating hot dogs, getting wet on the Rapids and screaming like girls on the rides.

Photos c/o RunThrough

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