On the very warm evening of 24th May, 16 members of GRC took part in the Trent 5 mile race hosted by Beeston AC.
The course was a mix of terrains which made some sections more challenging than others. After coming tantalisingly close to the finish line, runners were sent on what felt like a demoralising final lap of the field before being able to cross the finish line.
First across the finish for GRC was Russel Whittaker in 29.08, finishing in third place overall and achieving his first podium finish. He was soon followed by Joaquim “Flash” Jeronimo, who finished in 5th place in 29.36, collecting the MV40 prize. The first GRC lady to cross the line was Hannah Whittaker in 36.32
There were many PBs set across the distance and some great times achieved by all.
The general consensus of the event was that it was well hosted & marshalled with a very friendly atmosphere. This race forms part of the club’s GP series.
- Russel Whittaker – 29:08
- Joaquim “Flash” Jeronimo – 29:36
- Darren Harley – 34:24
- Alan Carley – 34:51
- Hannah Whittaker – 36:32
- Paul Davis – 37:27
- Simon Allsopp – 39:04
- Nim Rivers – 40:13 (PB)
- Caroline Davis – 40:16
- Nicci Whittaker – 40:35 (PB)
- Paul Jepson – 41:36
- Sarah High – 42:59
- Sylv Hull – 43:16 (PB)
- Julie Stewart – 44:31
- Yvonne Buckley – 54:46
- Brendon Buckley – 59:45

Report by Nicci Whittaker