We’ve got a bunch of social events happening over the Christmas period, starting with the Christmas party on the 16th.
Then we have the Christmas Lights Run, on Thursday 21st Dec. This is a gentle run of roughly 7k, with plenty of stops along the way to admire the light displays around town, and so should be accessible to all.
We also invite you to also support our chums at GTC by stopping for a drink afterward – the tennis club serves a variety of soft and alcoholic drinks and snacks.
So crack out the fancy dress and fairy lights and get booking on RunTogether
Then on the 23rd we have the Christmas Jumper Social, another GRC tradition. It’s a simple concept, wear your worst Christmas jumper and come to the pub with your running idiot friends. It usually results in a lot of hilarity.
This year the festivities will be at the Royal Queen from 7:30. As a massive bonus, local legends 23Reasons will be playing so not only will you have the pleasure of drinking while wearing dodgy knitwear, you’ll be treated to live music.
What could go wrong?
The last organised sessions of the year are our breakfast bimbles at 8am on Christmas Eve. There will be 5k, 10k and approx 10 mile routes offered, starting and ending at the Tollemache. This is a silly, chatty run with relaxed pacing. Fancy dress is very much encouraged. The pub will be open for breakfast at the end of the run, but you are most welcome to just join a run if you can’t stay. Please use the links below to book your place.