City of Lincoln 10k

Sunday 30th October 2022 saw 21 of the green and black army of GRC descend on the city of Lincoln for the annual 10k race. Thankfully this year’s weather was slightly better than 2021 where there was torrential rain and a boat would have been handy.  This year there was a gentle breeze with outbreaks of sunshine through the clouds.

The relatively flat course saw over 2,000 runners start on Riseholme Road and run along the likes of Nettleham Road, Yarborough Crescent and Queen Elizabeth Road, before arriving at Lincoln Cathedral for the big finish.

Unfortunately like previous years, the start suffered with being congested as runners were in narrow pace pens, so some runners were held up and unable to get into their stride early on.

First home for GRC was Sam Dodwell in an impressive time of 40:48. While this wasn’t a PB, he was happy to beat last years’ time by 1min 9secs. Sam was closely followed by Robin Atter in 41:10. Robin felt a little deflated about his time due the congested start causing him to have to make up time which cost him in the last 2k as he struggled to keep up the pace.

Daniel Pearce came home in an impressive time of 41:18, a 19 second PB and 2 and a half minutes off the same course from last year. He was very pleased with his result.

Anthony Boyle came home in a time of 49:38 which was a 2 sec PB.

Robert Howbrook continues to impress with a fantastic time of 41:29 which put him second in his age category and his fastest 10k this year.

Marj Spendlow was first back for the ladies GRC in an impressive 52:00 beating her last previous time of 56.29. Even though it wasn’t a PB, Marj was really pleased with her result as she wasn’t expecting to beat her previous time by some margin.

Fraser Marshall, after three weeks out recovering from an injury, had no intention of racing but offered to support some recent graduates of the club’s Develop Your Running programme in their first 10k.  He enjoyed running the entire distance with Clare Mitchell who was making her debut to come home in 1:04:47, a couple of seconds behind Clare (1:04:45).  Also from the Develop Your Running group were Davina Honeywood who made a fab debut time of 1:01:29 and Jo Oliver who crossed the line in 1:08:23. Hopefully we will be seeing more from these guys!

Rachel Pattison came home in an impressive time of 54:02 which was a new PB by over a minute, and she really enjoyed the race.

 For Kate Marshall, the 10k is not a particularly favourite distance but she PB’d by almost a minute in 55:25.  She commented that she enjoyed it more than last year and was very proud of the DYR gang.

Rosalind Sadler came home in a time of 57:07, a season’s best for her.  Laura Piggott was pleased with her time of 59:37 which was the fastest she has run this year. Emma Duncan crossed the line in a time of 55:38 which was a PB by 1 minute! Emma Ran in memory of her Grandad and raised over £600 for St Barnabas.  Well done Emma!

Natalie Hardwick was thrilled to beat her previous PB by nearly 2 minutes and break the 1-hour barrier in 59:41.

Yvonne Buckley came home with a time of 1:03:58. Though it wasn’t a PB, she was happy to beat her previous time from 2014, despite being 8 years older.

Times forall 21 runners. Superb times were accomplished.

Sam Dodwell. 40:48
Robin Atter 41:10
Daniel Pearce 41:18
Robert Howbrook 41:29
Alan Carley 44:04
Robert McArdle 46:17
Anthony Boyle 49:38
Marj Spendlow 52:00
Chris Smith 53:48
Rachel Pattison 54:02
Mark Rice 54:17
Kate Marshall 55:25
Emma Duncan 55:38
Rosalind Sadler 57:07
Laura Pigott 59:37
Natalie Hardwick 59:41
Davina Honeywood 1:01:29
Yvonne Buckley 1:03:58
Clare Mitchell 1:04:45
Clare Smith 1:04:46
Fraser Marshall 1:04:47
Wendy Frazer 1:08:15
Jo Oliver 1:08:23

Winner overall was Lewis Jagger finishing in a time of 30:32.  Abbie Donnelly won the female race in a time of 32:51.

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