Oundle 20, 2023

On the 5th of March, 6 members of Grantham Running Club took part alongside 388 other runners in the 20 mile race at Oundle. The race which takes place over a mixed course of quiet country lanes and pretty village provides an excellent test bed for those training for spring marathons.

First in for GRC was Darren Harley, who is training hard for the London Marathon, with a great time of 2:31:21. Hot on his heels was Robin Atter in 2:31:28, another great showing in his preparation for Edinburgh Marathon.

Next was Dean Riggall in 2:34:19. Warren Stark, another London Marathon entrant crossed the line in 3:14:29. Last male in was Dale Towning in 3:17:56 on tired legs after the previous week’s half marathon PB at Prestwold Hall.

Our very own first and only female Naomi Rivers finished a second later in 3:17:57, smashing her previous time over the distance and giving her a boost in her preparation for Manchester Marathon.

First male in was an outstanding time of 1.58.17 by Chris Pickering from BRJ Run and Tri. First female in was Hayley Munn in 2:07:23.

Report c/f Dale Towning

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