Skegness Coasters 10k

On the 6th February, 3 members of Grantham Running Club took a wintery trek to the coast to take part in the Skegness Coasters 10k.  This event made a welcome return having been delayed since 2019 due to the pandemic.  The beginner-friendly flat course starts at Southview Leisure Centre and loops around Water Leisure Park and the event donates all proceeds to local charities and causes which have included the RNLI, Air Ambulance and Skegness Hospital.  Runners experienced the joys of the British weather with conditions changing all the way around, with wind, rain and sunshine all making an appearance. 

Battling with both head and crosswinds, Marj Spendlow was the first GRC runner to come home in a fantastic time of 52:28, beating her last PB only set in November ago at Prestwold by more than two minutes. Rightfully, Marj was incredibly pleased with her time as she continues to improve at an impressive rate.

Next back was Emma Hopkinson, who also set an impressive new PB with a time of 1:02, shaving a couple of minutes off her previous best. Rounding off the GRC runners was Louise Kennedy who, despite feeling under par, persevered and finished in a time of 1:11:54.

The men’s race was won in a time of 31:31 by William Strangeway of Lincoln Wellington AC.  The women’s race was won by Claire Cooney, also of Lincoln Wellington AC, in a time of 39:05.

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