Leicester Big 10k

 On a sunny April Sunday, Grantham Running Club members Natalie Hardwick and Emma Weighill ventured along the A46 to the Leicester Big 10k. 

The welcomingly flat route started and finished in the very picturesque Abbey Park and consisted of a mixture park, closed road and the canal path with a repeated loop.

Natalie, having signed up to the covid-postponed GRC Couch-to-5k in 2020, diy’ed her training program during the first lockdown. Progressing by herself to 10k in the 2nd lockdown, she debuted her first race at Lincoln in October in memory of her Dad. She then committed herself to her first half marathon, completing the rather undulating Rutland half at the beginning of April. Today, as a newly-found Grantham Running Club member, she completed the Leicester 10k in 01:01:30. Emma tailed her, coming in at 01:02:20.

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