SJ Willis, Dec 2016

Age: 37.. still!

Occupation: Teaching Assistant in Village Primary School.

Favourite Race: Favourite race was the London Marathon…..especially the end. I used to pretend to be in it with my brother when I was about 8. My dad gave me a photo of us posing on the mall after I finished it. It’s as precious as the medal.

Least Favourite race: Worst race was Mablethorpe Marathon. (My first full) Two laps. First with my sister, who ran her first half there… second lap was hellish. Didn’t see another runner for miles. Thank goodness my partner arrived on a borrowed (girls) bike or I’d probably not have finished.

Biggest running achievement: Taking part in my first half marathon and doing the Equinox 24

Why did you start road running? Hated sport and PE at school and would dream up anything to be excused. Started running about 3 years ago during a stressful period. Literally opened my eyes one morning and announced I was going, crammed my feet into the eldest child’s trainers and that was it. Only really taking it seriously in the last 6 months or so, since joining the club. Good call!

Injuries received? I’ve been lucky and not suffered any serious injuries. Lost five out of ten
toenails last year… including one big one. Praying I get to wear flip flops this summer.

Average miles run per week: At the moment I’m running around 30 or 40 miles a week but it’s on the increase.

Furthest Distance ran? Furthest distance was at Equinox last year. I entered a large team but no one else signed up so I ended up running as a pair and clocking 100k.

Trainers worn: I’m running in Nikes at the mo but looking for a new pair… No idea what, though!

Top running tip: Don’t really feel qualified to give a top tip. I do always keep a couple of Haribo on my hip when I’m out running… Just starting to introduce my body to gels now marathon training is underway, though.

Favourite running kit? Favourite item of running kit is the rainbow compression socks. Pretty sure they stop my legs falling off on long runs.

Other hobbies? Currently restoring a house and have a strong appreciation for art and design which I’m looking forward to applying to this rat-infested building site eventually.

SJ Willis, MotM, Dec 2016
SJ Willis, MotM, Dec 2016

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