Awards Night – 8th February

Save the date!

We would like to invite you to the annual GRC Awards night on the 8th February.

This is a great night where the club comes together to celebrate member’s achievements over the year and take a light-hearted look at the highs and lows of this running malarkey. Be warned, there will be a slide show and we have been watching everyone and their progress!

For any new members this is a great event where various trophies & certificates of achievement are presented. Nearly all members who have raced will have achieved at least a certificate & we have a great selection of trophies that get awarded to all levels.

The first part of the evening will be the presentation of the Club Standards, which are the certificates for people’s best age graded result in a qualifying road race. There are various levels of certificate depending on the strength of your age grading.

We will then break for food.

Next is the presentation of the following trophies:

GRC Grand Prix Series – Women
GRC Grand Prix Series – Men
GRC Best Newcomer
GRC Cross Country Runner of the Year
GRC Points Champion – Women
GRC Points Champion – Men
GRC Ultra Runner of the Year
GRC Biggest Improver
GRC Members Member of the Year
GRC Club Champion – Women
GRC Club Champion – Men
GRC Nathan Walker Memorial Trophy

Venue: Grantham Masonic Hall, Chambers Street, Grantham, NG31 8BL
Arrival: 6:45pm

Presentation commences: 7.15pm

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