The Bassingham Bash, which took place on Saturday 3rd August always attracts a very strong field of athletes and this year was no different with some of the best runners in the area taking part.
Taking place at the same time and venue as the Bassingham Gala, the race kicked off at 2:30pm, an unusual start time for an event which unfortunately coincided with the hottest part of the day. The flat and fast route was like an oven, with the hedges holding the heat in the country lanes, though there was a little more shade in the latter part of the race. The finish line took runners back onto the grass of the Hammond Hall and Sport Centre in the heart of Bassingham.
14 members of Grantham Running Club took the opportunity to run a 5-mile race (an increasingly rare distance to have a crack at) and chalk up another fixture in the club’s own GP series.
First back for GRC and completely unbothered by the heat, was Matthew Kingston-Lee. He was very happy with his impressive time of 29:36, especially as it happened to be the 2 year anniversary of his heel and Achilles surgery which had curtailed his running with a painfully slow recovery. He was very happy to have accelerated in his last mile and kept a pace of sub 6 minute miles, an achievement that felt like an impossibility earlier in the year.
Next back was Matthew Atter who found the heat sapping so was a little down on his time from last year, losing around 30 seconds, finishing in a still impressive 32:55. Although he couldn’t claim to have enjoyed the event, he will in all likelihood be back next year for more punishment.
Dean Riggall was next in 34:16, having dropped some speed in the middle section of the race though he managed to pick up the pace towards the end for a strong finish.
Daniel Pearce was another casualty of the heat, losing around a minute and a half on his 2023 time with 34:33. Despite the tough conditions he actually seemed to enjoy himself.
Alan Carley definitely didn’t enjoy himself in the conditions but still ground out a great time of 34:40 and was moderately happy with that.
Gav Meadows was going well until the halfway point when the temperature got the better of him. Despite this dip in pace, he hung on and picked up speed for the last mile.
Carlene Veasey was GRC’s first lady back and she hated every second of the race finding it way too hot. Despite slowing at 5K, she still crossed the line in a creditable 37:38.
Ken Wallace was just happy to be able to run, having a fall on a club run that week which resulted in an ankle strain. Taking it easy and running to feel he finished in 37:56.
For Warren Stark, the race wasn’t actually all that bad despite feeling the heat, and he romped round in 38:59, having hoped for a sub 40-minute time.
Paul Jepson went for a steady run round, feeling the difference in temperature between that morning’s parkrun and the race, but still smashing out a 70% age grading and a time of 40:28. He was very happy to hit a season’s best at the distance.
Zoe Wragg was a little behind where she had wanted to finish with a time of 41:20, having found it way too hot to break any records. However, she did defy the heat to maintain a consistently strong pace throughout
Sylv Hull started off ok but slowed in the middle like a poorly baked cake, grinding to a halt at the water station. She managed to persuade the legs to get her home and picked up the pace in the latter stages, crossing the line in 42:27.
Sarah High also didn’t enjoy the heat but ground out her time of 42:46 with typical determination.
For Nick Marshall, crossing the line at all was a major victory. Despite having been a club member for a number of years, he has been beset by injury that scuppered any racing plans so his finish time of 46:42 (especially in that heat) was a win.
The men’s race was won by Linton Taylor of Leeds City Athletic Club in 23:51.
The women’s race was won by Sophie Wallace of Lincoln Wellington Athletic Club in 25:56.
The race offered no goodies being somewhat no-frills but the gala provided lots of entertainment with a classic car show, trade stands and food.
Photos c/o Total Race Timing and Colin Wright