Peterborough Grand Prix 5k Series: Stamford Race

Back Row: Rob, Peter, Nev, Catherine and Robert. Front Row: Helen, Jaime and Suzy 

The Stamford leg of this series attracts the fewest runners either because it is so far out of the city or because it is not as fast a course. As prizes are awarded on cumulative positions rather than time this makes the race very attractive to those aiming for the season end’s prizes. On a course not suited to him Rob Howbrook struggled to find pace and was surprised that his time of just over 20 minutes was good enough to give him his fourth straight age category win in the 2017 series. A powerful performance from Peter saw him almost match his PB set in Lincoln a few months back on a flatter faster course. Jaime set the bar high with a sub 21 first ever 5k.

Catherine Payne took it easy as this race was sandwiched between a race last weekend and the TR24 in which she will be expecting to race 6 laps. There were solid performances from Robert and Nev coming in roughly where they expected.

Suzy Britz set a PB going below 25 minutes for the first time and Helen Brown, on her debut, was less than a minute behind.

Position Time Name Category Grading Ranking
46 20:05 Rob Howbrook MV55 78.49% 66
51 20:20 Peter Bonner MV40 67.13% N/A
56 20:50 Jaime Garcia MV35 64.09% N/A
72 21:46 Catherine Payne FV50 77.98% 30
90 22:49 Robert McArdle MV55 68.50% 277
113 24:02 Nev Chamberlin MV55 63.94% N/A
126 24:51 Suzy Britz FV45 PB 64.51% N/A
140 25:42 Helen Brown FV40 59.50% N/A

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